Holiday Blogger Template

Keeping up with the holiday season we have Template Holiday, an original creation of Templates Novo Blogger. The 2 column theme has a neat layout and some interesting features.
Holiday Blogger Template
The template starts with the menu bar on top to display your categories. To place the links on the left, look for the following snippet in Edit Html:

<!-- Menu Esquerda -->

<ul class='left'>
<li><a href=''>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='URL HERE'>Sobre</a></li>
<li><a href='URL HERE'>Templates</a></li>
<li><a href='URL HERE'>Contato</a></li>

To place your links on the right side of the menu bar, search for the following code in Edit Html and add the relevant links -
Para colocar os links à direita do menu:

<!-- Menu Direita -->
<ul class='right'>
<li><a href=''>Posts</a></li>
<li><a href='URL HERE'>Comments</a></li>
<li><a href='URL HERE'>Feeds</a></li>

The header, which appears below the menu bar, is divided, so you can insert your blog title and description on the left and have a banner ad on the right. Template Holiday allows you to highlight some of your posts, by adding images with title, a brief description and a link to the post.

While in the main column each post appears in a summarised format with the default automatic read more feature. The post contains labels/tags below the headline and comments at the end of the post.

The sidebar consists of various blogger widgets, which you can add or remove as per your choice. There is also an internal search box and default widgets like About Me, Blog Roll, Labels, Archives etc.

Download the Holiday Blogger Template
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The CrystalX Blogger Theme

This CrystalX blogspot template was designed by Ken Dahlin and converted to Blogger by Themelib.
The CrystalX Blogger Theme
The CrystalX theme is a bright two column template that has a simple design but is elegant in a way. The template features a sidebar on the right and a header that accomidates not just the blog title and description but also a custom search bar, I feel you should put in your code there to earn a lil more from adsense.

Apart from that we have a nice navigation menu that spans the entire width of the blog. The RSS feed is there on the top right of the sidebar, the headline has a strip of blue as well as each widget heading in the sidebar. The hover on effect of the sidebar is quite nice as well.

Apart from that the flow of the blog colour from the headline to the bottom of the blog is quite nice. The time stamp, comments and author links are perched just below the headline with some neat icons.

At the bottom of the blog there is an icon that scrolls the blog all the way to the top when clicked, overall its a pleasent design and yet another from!

Download the CrystalX Blogger Theme
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ProBlogger Template

ProBlogger Template, created by Our Blog Templates, promises to be a feature-rich template for Blogger users.
ProBlogger Blogger template
The template has the main navigation buttons above the header image, which can be easily changed. The menu bar can be moved below the header, if you like. One thing missing in this template is the custom search box to let readers search your content.

ProBlogger allows users to have multiple columns, so its flexible to tweak it as per your preference. It can either be 3, 5, 6, or 8-column template without the need to do additional coding. The main column has a regular design with the date and time stamp above the post headline and below the post comes labels, comments and links to the post.

You can have a search box in the third column, and below it the RSS button. Now the third column gets divided into two more sidebars, giving sufficient space to showcase different blogger widgets and your top content. The creator has gone one step further and made 3 horizontal columns at the bottom as well, a prominent feature in many templates.

To enhance the look of the home page, ProBlogger template has the 'Read More' function enabled, which saves lot of time in adding a separate code for expandable posts. Another good thing about this template is that the colours and fonts also can be customised.

Its a simple template, without any fancy icons his template the creator has given lot of freedom to the blogger to make the changes to suit his blog's content. If you like the template then download it from the link provided below.

Download the ProBlogger template
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Dead Blogger Template

The Dead blogger template was designed by ArcSin and was ported to blogger by Blog and Web. It's a dark theme that would be apt for tattoo bloggers or heavy metal bloggers.
Dead Blogger Template
The Dead Blogger Template is artistic no doubt but the skull and bones is definitely not every ones cup of tea. Apart from the design the template is a simple two column template that has some lovely hover on effects.

I feel that the sidebar gets slightly lost in the design besides it, though everything has a nice header for each of the sections as well as the sidebar widgets. The Blog title finds it way right on the top while the description below it.

What I like about this template is that on hover ons for the links, headlines as well as the comments link each have a different effect. The headline turns bright red, the yellow links turn green and the comment links seem to emit a kind of of glow when hovered on.

Download the Dead Blogger Template
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Merry Christmas Blogger Skin

Red is the colour of the season and we bring to you yet another Christmas theme designed for the occasion. Merry Christmas is originally created by Ezwpthemes and ported to blogger platform by Deluxe Templates.
Merry Christmas Blogger Theme
Its a 2 column theme that seems to be a bit similar to Christmas in my heart blogger skin, but it depends on what you choose for your site/blog. The header image is perfectly decorated for Christmas, with the mistletoe, Santa, stockings etc., and in between all of it your blog headline will appear along with the RSS icon which is in shape of a stocking. Besides it on the right is an internal search box integrated in a heart shaped gift.

The main column features the menu bar where you can include your primary categories. Below that is the date stamp followed by post headline, while rest of the post details comes at the end of the post - author, time, comments and labels. This template has a left side column, that includes a welcome note and the standard blogger widgets like Labels, Archives, Recent Posts etc.

More Christmas theme can be downloaded from Christmas Special Blogger Templates

Download the Merry Christmas Blogger Theme
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Christmas in my Heart Blogger Template

Christmas in my Heart is a colorful theme converted to blogger by Bloggerspan and originally designed by EZ WPthemes.
Christmas in my Heart Blogger Theme
Its a well suited theme for Christmas as its filled with decorative items. The 2 column template has an attractive header image with Santa on the left and a ribbon adorned with a star and mistletoe. Below it is the horizontal menu bar to display your categories and on the right is an internal search box which blends with the colour scheme.

In the main column the headline and post details - labels, author and time stamp - appear in a box, and even the headline is embellished with a holly and a bell. At the end of each post there are social bookmarking icons like Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Twitter etc., allowing readers to share your post link.

The sidebar has a lovely RSS icon embedded in a Christmas tree followed by a welcome note for your readers. You can use rest of the space to add blogger widgets of your choice.

Download the Christmas in my Heart Blogger Skin
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Brownline Blogger Template

Originally a wordpress theme by Good Design Web, the elegant Brown Line template was converted to Blogger by Falcon Hive. This 3-column template has a very attractive look and few interesting features. Brownline blogger template The template has an aurora-like effect in the header to go with the blog title and description. One of the special features of the template is the RSS button, which is well-placed on the far right of the header.

The navigation bar can be customised as per your needs and like many templates it has an hover-on colour. The comment button is quite creative, it appears next to the post headline in a small box.

Unlike other templates where the posts appear one below the other, Brownline has a border around each post, which highlights each post.
The rest of the main column is simple with time stamp and categories below the headline.

The sidebar has a ready search box and below it comes 3 slots to place your image ads, if you like. There is also a tabber widget already added in the template, to edit that you can go to Layout-Page Elements and you will find the tabs numbered - 1, 2, and 3. Click on '1' to set up content of that tab or add a gadget. The column breaks into two where you can add other gadgets. Free blogger templates, Brownline template tabbe Overall, I liked this template design, there is enough place to add lot of Blogger features to display your content!

Download the Brownline Blogger template
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Outdoorsy Blogger Theme

The Outdoorsy theme was yet another wordpress template, designed by Function and ported to blogger by Falcon Hive.
The Outdoorsy Blogger Theme
An attractive nature based theme with some vibrant colors and unfortunately only two columns. The design is captivating, with the bright Daisey's that adorn the top of this template, just under the blog title there is a sketch that explains the pencil in this theme.

The rest of the template is on parchment which again adds a completely different feel to a blog. The strange part is this blog does not have space for a description but instead it has some links to sift through the content.

The time stamp, author and comments link are just beneath the headline and like most two column templates the sidebar on the right starts off with a search widget. Another good feature is the links and rss links in the footer that add more substance to this vibrant theme.

Download the Outdoorsy Blogger Theme
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The Japan Style Blogger Template

I am pleased to have found a new porter to blogger, let me introduce you to Falcon Hive who has ported this Japan Style template designed by Good Design Web.
The Japan Style Blogger Template
The Japanese Style blogger template has a spectacular header image with a very oriental feel to it. The Blog title finds itself there with the blog description somehow seeming a little out of place. The page navigation bar comes next with some nice tabs that suit the theme and have a slight hover on effect.

The rest of the main column is fairly simple with the time stamp, labels and comment count at the bottom of the post. The single sidebar on the right starts of with a search bar. Apart from that the only interesting part is the footer with a custom subscribe to the RSS feed button and an attractive design once again.
The Japan Style Blogger Template Footer
The design overall has a parchment style to it with some beautiful graphic, though it lacks a lot of features the Japan Style Theme sure is one gorgeous blogger skin!

Download the Japan Style Blogger Template
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Recent Posts with Thumbnails Hack for Blogger

recent posts with thumbnailsRecent Posts with Thumbnails is an interesting hack that allows you to display your latest posts in various styles. Of course, Blogger has the Recent Posts with Thumbnails gadget, but this hack gives you more flexibility and options to choose from. Another default Recent Posts widget pulls content from your RSS feed and shows only the post titles.

But thanks to Marianne, who was responsible for this Blogger hack, your site can look great.

Before you make any changes, take a backup of your template from Design --> Edit Html.

Then copy paste the below code in Design --> Page Elements section of your blog.
recent posts with thumbnails horizontal
<script language="JavaScript">
imgr = new Array();

imgr[0] = "http://YOURIMAGEURL.jpg";
imgr[1] = "http://YOURIMAGEURL1.jpg";
imgr[2] = "http://YOURIMAGEURL2.jpg";
imgr[3] = "http://YOURIMAGEURL3.jpg";
imgr[4] = "http://YOURIMAGEURL4.jpg";

showRandomImg = true;

tablewidth = 278;
cellspacing = 8;
borderColor = "#ffffff";
bgTD = "#ffffff";

imgwidth = 100;
imgheight = 80;

fntsize = 11;
acolor = "#666";
aBold = true;
icon = " ";

text = "comments";

showPostDate = false;

summaryPost = 75;
summaryFontsize = 11;
summaryColor = "#666";
icon2 = " ";

numposts = 5;

home_page = "YOUR-BLOG-URL";

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
To run you through the script, you can add your own image url here 'http://YOURIMAGEURL.jpg' for articles without an image. You can add imgr[1] [2] etc., as per your requirement. You can adjust the image size, background colour, post title colour, summary colour, font size, number of posts to be showed and so on in the code. Add your blog url at the place where it is mentioned in the code and at the end of the code there is a javascript file -'' (marked in bold) which can be hosted on your server or any other site.
recent posts with thumbnails and commentsAs mentioned earlier this Recent Posts gives you lot of variations in terms of display, for instance you can have horizontal or vertical display, with or without comments, thumbnails with description etc. I have mentioned below the different javascript files available and based on your choice upload it your server or file hosting sites and add the js link in the above code and save the changes.

- Recent posts in horizontal position with only thumbnails
- Recent posts in vertical position with only thumbnails
- Recent posts in horizontal position with thumbnails, title, description and comments
- Recent posts in vertical position showing thumbnails, title, description and comments
- Recent posts in horizontal position showing thumbnails, title, description and without comments
- Recent posts in vertical position showing thumbnails, title, description and without comments
- Recent posts in horizontal position showing thumbnails with title, description from any particular label
- Recent posts in vertical position showing thumbnails with title, description from any particular label
- Recent posts in horizontal position showing thumbnails with title, description in between thumbnails instead of below thumbnail

In case of recent posts with thumbnails from any particular label/tags/categories, insert this line in the above code after -

'home_page = "YOUR-BLOG-URL";'

label = "tagname";

Recent Posts with thumbnails hack certainly enhances the look of your blog!
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