Viewport, a Unique Blogger Theme

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Viewport is a pretty unique 2 column theme converted by Wordpress to Blogger. The template basically displays your blog posts in a picture format, so it instantly captures your readers attention.
viewport blogger theme The layout of this theme is neat and simple. The blog title on top, followed by the menu bar, which also includes the RSS subscribe icon, and the search box on the extreme right. The post area is in the form of a slider, that shows a fairly big image (940 x 600 pixels), the headline appears on top and the post summary at the bottom right corner. On clicking the headline, readers will be taken to the post page.

To put up your posts, go to Posting--New Post and add the below code -

<img class="homeimage" src="IMAGE URL" alt="" width="940" height="600" />
<img class="singleimage" src="IMAGE URL" alt="" width="940" height="300" />
<div class="entry">POST</div>

For home image, you need to add class="homeimage" and for a single image, put class="singleimage".

On entering the post, the image will automatically display in a banner format, then comes a box with your post details - the date stamp, labels and comments. The theme is really cool, the relevant posts in labels and archives also appear in a sliding panel, in a small box frame. Additional instructions are given in the download folder.

The right hand sidebar, that shows up on entering a post, includes the previous and next post along with different blogger widgets. Its a great theme to use for a professional or a photo blog, to make a presentation, display creative work etc.

Download the Viewport Blogger Theme

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