Genesis Blogger Template

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The Genesis blogger template is brought to you by Infocreek, it is a three column black and gray blogger template.
Genesis Blogger Template
I think this is by far one of the most beautiful black templates that I have seen so far. The main colour is black, with a touch of gray and a hint of orange. The blog title is displayed with a fluorescent orange tinge, the post headline and the comments link has the same colour.

The header is seperated by a gray strip, the part of the strip over the main column hosts a couple of links, not enough, perhaps space enough for two or three, but it holds a dull RSS icon that shines bright on a mouse hover. The part of the strip over the sidebars hosts the search widget.

The sidebar elements have a very beautiful mouse hover as you can see in the image, the overtime link is hovered on. Each element also has a well defined header, and not to miss the orange hover on for the older posts button.

After you upload the XML Template file, do not preview your blog untill you go to Layout and add at least one link to the "Top Menu" widget. To see the post date your Timestamp style needs to be "Wednesday, January 30, 2011".

Download the Genesis Blogger Template

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